Give a verb-to present voluntarily and without expecting compensation; to bestow

When you invest in the United Way of Pekin you are empowering a better community for all of us to live in.  For every donation made 97% stays in the Pekin area.


Advocate a verb-to speak or write in favor of; recommend publicly

When you advocate for community stability you are supporting individuals, families and seniors to become self reliant and the building blocks that contribute to that self reliance which education, health services and income.  All United Ways are committed to be champions for advocacy.


Volunteer a verb-one who enters into or offers any service of their own free will

Volunteer opportunities are available at many of our partner agencies.  You could be assisting in the delivery of smoke alarms, helping someone learn to read, teach a child the rules and nuances of playing a sport, make sure that a family has food or help on a camp out. The agencies sponsored by the United Way of Pekin offer many programs and with volunteers the agencies can direct their financial resources to the community.